The rock bottom of Science, M/O=STRESS<DEATH |
©Copyright 2021 Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier accepting statement upon receiving my 0077-licence on the suggestion of Dorart Morina, Investor Relations Here is the good news; Stress ends with Death, and does not get worse, unless you think of hell, as the concept by which the devil and his worldly deputies and managers demean in the sense of 'Let all hope go!', any O-consideration of sufficient orientation in M-execution of more or less necessary manipulation (such as securing the cash flow in one's direction to be able to afford not to have to spend time to understand anything - seen as something for losers in short-term competitions, just a limitation for OPTION I business success). Only the O about how to get a leading edge in selling M is seen as relevant in cold-blooded, i.e. insubstantial minds:
In Temples, templates to ride the zeitgeist media, indoctrinate people about what counts, and for temples, that are tribute paying bums on seats to make its 'anything goes' for them ideology, mass-attractive, together with intellectually minded scribes, professors, and speakers who help to format people's mental operating systems, also officers and managers who execute the implementation of dividing to rule people In Palaces, to organize getting sufficient cash in the treasury; for their OPTION I ruling ideology it is necessary to maintain and spread its mass-attractivity and its wordy zeitgeist evolution of denotations, to remain the measure of everything, above all for People so they remain convinced, to sit to clap after having provided quantity for their pimps, and getting enough to survive - at their expense of sacrificing their innate OPTION II for Life- through Task-Fulfillment, simply in return for the pimp's stick and carrot! Specifically, lower ranking people state their fear, that 'humanity', e.g. their superiors, will not go along with the O-obvious, and so they retreat to their other-determined M-business as usual, mental gallery slaves, despite a better O-understanding than their M-one-track minded bosses with their M-position-, with definition-power... In consequence, there is little interest, time, and resources in minds disrupted by spin and meaningless M-activities of designing more efficient ways for the system rule, such as in the evolving of the so-called 'humanities', which in fact is the science of ruling "humans". The OPTION I system's pawns are at best, a zero-sum abstract in the intellectuals' own image, formally enclosed by building the necessary infrastructure (temples, palaces, production halls, mobility ways, means, energy production); e.g. traffic often increasingly to find parking spaces. All of that man-made culture requires institutions to learn about its cultivated job opportunities, healing people from accidents and crimes, and with its basis in intellectual category errors, thinking catastrophes, the evoke the known human catastrophes to make it all self-destructive; humanity now the cancer of Planet Earth with its cells (people mutated into sheople) in the mass, alienated from their DNA (existential intelligence, based on the soul's capability of the inner experience of Last but not least, after all the M-man-made fig leaves, we all need housing and food, then dealing with pollution and other social risks to keep the O-deficient repair society going, at least as a zero-sum sustainable, but still a minus-sum game, to keep the elite on top of the self-destructive OPTION I system. In addition, providing the means for the mote than O desired sublimation of all the stress has become a cancerously growing business of demeaning O and its users as disturbing scapegoats - making humanity a vicious circle of people pimping each other with a bottom to top cash flow and increasing debts on all levels of existence, which used to collapse into wars and worse, past Nov. 24, 2016 into the Age of Disruption! Your OPTION I status shows in the mass-attractivity of your O-orientation less, PRE-cultured M-manipulation as part of the problem! Your existential §3-integrity based on the TRANScending bottom line of your O about your OPTION II, if it manifests in you fulfilling of your X-existence, it makes you part of the solution! Your ‘karma’ manifests in your remaining PRE-TRANS-TRAP (mehr dazu... in German)with M/O-Stress; in Distress you become part of the global disruption, in Eustress with your OPTION II, you get the chance to be part of the synergy that leads to a sustainably desirable future. Here is the so far cultivated OPTION I vicious circle %1 James Bond 007 & Co. kill to maintain political correctness %5 The villain intends to ultimately disrupt %1, 2020/21 with the Corona Show ZG The zeitgeist as the 3rd party, watches to which side the coin falls, and then +2/-4 The people mutate to the path of sheople between the +2 lust for the *3 survive in the ?0 illusion of flocking in %1-socially compatible ways... Beware, western-'Christian' cultures are built upon the puzzle pieces of personally-neutral zeitgeist-denotations of wordy language; each word a PRE-TRANS-TRAP appropriate solely for dead matter, and with its grasp, for killing to cannibalize life's substance. Encapsulating the expression of people's lives' - an individual matter - exclusively in the evil philosophical way, begins to mentally castrate them to then sacrifice the the individuals' substance in the name of some collective's zeitgeist - just as the Incas and other barbarians did with individuals being slain physically on altars to appease their idols! The 'civilized' nations, do it right up to the industrial mass-butchery of WWII and the holocaust and in the communist Evil Empires, still ongoing, worse, mentally sacrifice individual substance now beyond intellectual with artificial intelligence, liquidating existential intelligence maintain their wordy idolatries' ideologies. Now this is enhanced with the M-disruption of all living substance on Earth for profit, fame and godlike power, against all inner and outer O-levels of Creation. The declared aim of intellectual disruption is the M/O understanding of the Creators' order of nature (introduced by Kepler-focus on the H2-superior order, and the breakthrough of Newton's mathematics to model mechanics; abhorred by the intellectual mafia, up to that of the Vatican, for it models the higher than %1-5-6 man-made wordy order), and the OPTION II of human personally relevant lives, by expressing it in the ways of the 4th faculty of science that do justice to personally relevant Life- through Task-fulfillment. This alone overcome's setting up of wordy and then other TRAPS that are conductive with their category errors to be O-irresponsibly misused for PRE-disruptive, i.e. evil %-business with hidden agendas at the cost of inhibiting TRANS-solutions to be implemented before the point of NO return!
Context PeakD - M / O = STRESS < DEATH | PeakD |