The (In)Decency a Human Being is capable of...

©Copyright 2021 Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier

on the suggestion of Dinusha Weinert, Quality Controller

Indecent people identify with the ideology (donkey) of their stubborn comfortable traging zone ( ctz) and demand that you to befriend that, i.e. respect what its maintenance demands to appear more mass-attractive than you; such as  a king's castle so he can live  comfortably in eustress, reigning from his  ctz-throne over U2. For ordinary people that begins with hoping that their make-up, image, brand, social position, will be undisturbed by your OPTION II; or else it arouses f0-hostile temperament of indecent people toward disruptive arguments!

Decent people care to be responsible about such claims so that their befriending approach keeps those concerned in f1-mutual eustress based on empathy for the requirements of each other's h-living space - based on each other's open comfort zone to the end of f2-friendships, which remain in eustress even when confronted with misunderstanding and misery. At this point, weak spirits freak out in distress; fearful about any threat of losing comfort in their narrow-minded inner PRE-TRANS-TRAP, hostile towards any challenge of whatever PREcedes their intellectually cultivated TRAP, suppressing any demands to TRANScend it before its point of NO return! Whoever cannot thus be subdued is avoided, just as a spinster avoids the opposite sex, or a weakling, a stronger enemy. When Maria Antoinette, Queen of France heard about her people being hungry and demonstrating for bread, in her arrogantly ignorant temperament, said: "Let them eat cakes." The rest is the bloody history of the French Revolution with her head rolling under the guillotine, into the bag with that of her husband and King, Louis XVI. Stubbornly ignoring the lesson of history, Europe, after the Thirty Year War 1618-40, became self-destructive again; genocides in the  Americas, five million wasted lives in the Napoleonic butchery of European peoples, colonial barbarism, the Opium Wars to disrupt China, some 20 mio. lives waste in WWI, and over 50 millions in WWII, all for for Hitler's rage for revenge; now Xi Jinping is setting up China's revenge against the already decaying western world...

Despots end up jealous of whoever survives their PRE-TRANS-TRAPs. So was the devil when he tempted, Jesus in the desert after 40 days of fasting; in vain! But the devil had already made the scribes of all ages fall for him, and they were jealous of Jesus after his resurrection from their spin to get him crucified by the Romans. Then came Popes as the self-appointed representatives of God after Jesus' Ascension to replace the essence of his existence, with their spin about in people's minds. Then appeared Mohammed, organized to campaign against East-, in favor of West-Rome, pretending to be the superior prophet, and his Allah, said to be God,  and God to be Allah - and now almost everybody is jealous oft everybody else since Nov. 24, 2016 when the ultimately indecent Age of Disruption had begun - allowed by narcissistic stupidity:

Following up the examples of Xi Jinping (11) and Hitler (12), let us find out the decent alternative still available to Presidents Joe Biden (1) and Xi Jinping, to not end up in the indecent self-destructive traps of Queen Maria Antoinette and Hitler, who obscured their hidden agendas beneath their comfort zones, and withheld the benefits above it by keeping them just for themselves, and rather cannibalizing those misled to work for their comfort. So the 'democratic' OPTION II average of mankind is 3.6 (the human immutable imperial constant of self-destruction) - below >4 peace! This is a challenge to withstand top-down imperialism/globalism with bottom-up substance for more people to >qualify with their OPTION II, to give us all a chance to not end up like the German Imperial Fleet! It triggered the defeat in WWI when its sailors mutinied against the admiralty's plan for a final 'heroic' suicide mission of breaking out of the English blockade. Then it became a widely supported revolt to topple the Emperor, then the fleet ended up in self-destruction, 1919 at Scapa Flow, when interned by the English fleet after the collapse of 4 empires (Austria-Hungarian, Germany's 2nd Reich, the Russian, and the Osman Empire) to be followed by 3 more after WWII (Germany's 3rd Reich, then the Japanese, and the British Empire), to be followed up by the Oil>capitalist>Internet Empire of the USA with the 4th Roman Empire, the European Union, NATO, and the dark powers of the Vatican, London City, and the Basel International Monetary Fund and even deeper ones, now challenged by the rising again Chinese, now communist Silk Road Empire) - according to the Revelation of the Bible, in the end, all of them will be gone; no man-made institutionalized comfort zone will have the last word!

Obviously 'Sleepy Joe'  befriended the US-Presidency in the election 2020 in >2 bad ways, now relating to it in 3- ; in a bit more than unsatisfactory way, mentally and physically reduced to maintaining his reign for his comfort until the next election. At that point 3-, a bit above unsatisfactory, the seemingly mightiest,  Xi Jinping begins to befriend the world with China's rising superpower with the plan he committed to swallow Taiwan by 2025 into China, and to surpass the USA on all levels by 2050; following Hitler's 3rd Reich vision, or rather that of China's past greatness, disrupted in the Opium War by the western powers.

Hitler's comfort was  ended, by a bullet he shot in his own  head, after 12 instead of the envisioned thousand years, when his 3rd Reich collapsed in 1945 as predicted in the Old Testament like all the previous ones. So Biden and Xi Jinping have that last chance to focus on that common project that has the substantial potential to befriend them before their point of NO Return: In APS terms that entails

3Bw Giving Meaning>6#12 e.g. how to organize Earth dealing with the lost substance, of
9Ow Unrest>1#23 e.g. in the China Sea about competitive comfort zones with
7Pp Impressiveness>5#23 e.g. of rather healing with Life- through Task-Fulfillment with
1Be Patience>2#12 e.g. to allow redemption in mutual understanding instead of war:

Giving meaning to unrest to gain attention for the sufficient patience with each other - or war in the South Pacific - APS specifically points to!
All these expressive pictures are ©Copyright Burk Verlag; they are used on my sites with kind permission according to the operational APS-parameterization of human systems.

Now remind yourself of whoever in your life assumes the role of knowing better about you than your conscience, beginning with the 8 insubstantial, dark inner evil voices of your OPTION I pre-trans-trapping your OPTION II! The gain meaning in anybodies mere socially compatible word-hardened, dwindling comfort zones to become hostile to people's conscience and suppress any open-ended transparency in generating with shared principles - avoiding anything not politically correct in jealousy. Under this OPTION I, real life is considered beneath the merely temperamental intellect cultivated to organize any knowledge work exclusively in personally-neutral terms; above all by the humanities up to so-called philosophy and spirituality, and ultimately theo-logy interpreting God's revealed logic, while its proponents lack any understanding of any real human being, even of their own self, as the scribes at Jesus' time did not want to understand the Old Testament. Such wordy intellectuals are rather greedy to gain the gain mass-attractivity so other serves their comfort zones to keep their ever faster self-destructive OPTION I systems going; now seemingly in the upper hands of sleepy Joe and fearful Xi's in their comfort zones.

The two have spoken on the phone only twice so far since Biden took office in January - most recently in September 2021. In that phone call, both had warned of the danger that tensions between their nations could end in confrontation. At a meeting in Alaska in March, top diplomats from both countries together with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, had engaged in an unusual war of words, hurling accusations at each other. In November  2012, both countries surprised the world by announcing that they would expand their cooperation in the fight against global warming. At the World Climate Conference in Glasgow, the two largest producers of greenhouse gases agreed on a pact for climate protection - despite their geopolitical disagreements. The White House said Biden and Xi Jinping would discuss ways in which the two countries could compete responsibly while cooperating in areas of shared interest. In doing so, Biden will make clear U.S. intentions and priorities and address concerns about the People's Republic of China "clearly and candidly," White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki stressed.

You might now understand how popular I am with my >[1-2 => -5] comfort zone of, beginning lower than most people dare, to go higher to befriend the relationship truths beyond most people's comfort zones. To understand this, refer to the experience of the Jews who introduced the Old Testament to the world, and then consider the way Europe treated them. Read about Moses' experience when he made the Pharaoh let his people go, and how those liberated people behaved, when Moses went on Mount Sinai to get God's Ten Commandments in stretching his comfort zone (4) up to what is alone >6 very good, the H2-Creator's order, superior to any man-made one! But when Moses came down with the solution to living together in his hands, he had to experience how his people were celebrating the >1 very bad, idolatry around the Golden Calf under OPTION I.

Decent people have allowed sufficient experience to understand this site, indecent wordy minded ones, have so far managed to hide their soul which alone is capable for this behind the tempered wordy, denotational fig leaf of the personally-neutral intellect to wither away to hell...


in German:
Du bist als intellektuelles Mentalvieh im Glauben gehalten...
Prove me wrong - tell me what YOU spend your life with,
besides manipulation for your mass-attractivity: .......


Context PeakD - Become a decent real human being

Nach oben ] Understand ] Licence II ] Comfort ] M/O=STRESS ] [ Decency ]