How to deal with Comfort Zones | |||||||||||||||
©Copyright 2021 Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier on the suggestion of the Swiss Hive community OPTION I: Sustainability builds upon people’s ability to embark on collective action designed to shape the future responsibly and to enable innovative change. However the freedom to innovate requires a contextual and dynamic understanding of sustainability. First of all the idea that sustainability is about our ability to shape the future is deeply rooted in the spirit of the Rio Declaration and Agenda 21 of the United Nations (UNCED 1992). The new UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda, build upon these principles. Without leaving it to the media, dace it, institutions are only open for your personal-neutral approach in terms of WHAT has happened (facts of the case) - WHO is involved in the event (persons) - WHERE the event happened (place) - WHEN events did happened (time) - HOW it happened (course) - WHY it happened (reason) - WHAT the request to the institution is (need) – for instrumentalizing people by institutions for thier purposes. That implies that you comply with the 3 Tabus#0-2-1 of the organized faculties of science, 1) that of art#0 and its temples, is to be protected from your otherwise TRANScending OPTION II by the Storytelling Taboo (so you leave it all to the media towards the mass-attractive trend), 2) that of the humanities#2 and its palaces, to be undisturbed, protected from your otherwise PRE-cultivated OPTION II claims by the Metaphor Taboo (leave references to your meaning to philosophers-psychologist-politicians-priest, to give meaning from their legitimate position and definition power), 3) that of the people#1 and the economy, so their TRAP remains the OPTION II's rat race for mass-attractivity and your will away from any OPTION II claims, by the Ego Taboo to that end of you remaining part of the problem rather than qualifying your X-existence as part of the solution before the point of NO return from the inevitable collapse of any established PRE-TRANS-TRAP and its 12 level intellectual hierarchy of the 3 institutions of Temple > Palace > People. Within those institutions there are 4 roles, that of 4) In short, it is time to reframe such self-destructive PRE-TRANS-TRAPs - (world wars, holocaust, corona show as global experiments to that evil end, attempting to make any OPTION II extinct. The buck needs to be stopped from assuming the role of gardener. Such self-destructive narcists do not understand themselves, let alone somebody else, let alone the substance of a nation; the rather divide to rule collectives on the 12-level intellectual hierarchy. See film footage of 2021 G20.meeting in Glasgow for 'sustainability', which mostly pre-trans-trapped all those really part of the solution, in insubstantial ways by dividing them from their OPTION II which alone can be the basic foundation of sustainability! Overcoming the Disruption of These 18 exemplary out of 576 possible comfortable trading zones (ctz) illustrate real human systems (individuals relationships, up to cultures) and show how people experience each other under OPTION I. Check that of Xi Jinping (Nr. 11 rising candle) with the outstanding B/T index of 308%; who has hardened rather than fulfilling his ctz under the suffering of Maos's cultural revolution. He befriends people on the 87% (3-4 out of Swiss marks 1-6) and then relates to them on the >3 unsatisfactory level. This makes socially controlled people fear him, suppressed for his project, by dividing most people's ctz. He was thus able to instrumentalize China; now in his service as a shield for his own inner ctz. He was determined to no longer have to endure his past suppression and is now aiming at making the whole world to accept that. Alois Schickelgruber, with Nr. 12 falling candle, alias Adolf Hitler, did the same with Germany as his tool to extinguish the Jews, his scapegoat for the terror and shameful defeat of Germany in WW II. Blocher as Nr. 3 politically hardened as his palace master, would have tried to limit even a Moses, Nr. 4 from rising above him. Actually Nr. 4 also applies to myself as well like for 0.7% of all people. The X-candle Nr. 1 applies to the X=5Cw-EZ USA-mentality#10; it is the actual one in the APS-system; it could be yours after having identified your X - if you want to find out - it is available after clicking your X - like any of the 576 options, coherently operational. On some examples, the dot shows the level of X-being, the square, that of the h-living space's qualification with the colors of the level on the intellectual hierarchy (ih). Moses h was, just as mine is, in the living space of a People#1Workers#1, the 2nd lowest, his X on the lowest intellectual level, obviously that of a People#1Prophet#3 - unlike Jesus as a Palace#2-Master#2 - yet in his words, not of this world; for that he was crucified by the fearful Pre-Trans-Trappers at his time... Do you see, why Hitler in his #13 h-level at first qualified his h-for Germany's living space intellectually and economically in >5 good ways, yet ultimately in the intellectual arrogance of his time for >3 dissatisfied with his X-existence in his temperamental revenge against the Jewish mentality, because that was his imagined scapegoat and he instrumentalize his people and half the world, even waged WWII as a smoke screen for the holocaust in the end with more dead Germans than Jews - ultimately that evil is OPTION I... There is far more to say about the candle chart (as used with financial instruments, here to model the dynamic of word's pre-trans-trapping denotations and the thinking catastrophes its tempera-mental usage evokes), such in the model Nr. 2 of the "human"; philosophically organized zero sum-gamer, with 5-5-3-3 marks (average 4, that is used as 100%) for the four insubstantial temperaments of Defiance in Stubbornness, in view of challenges, Suppression of the challenger, Avoidance of his or her content, Jealousy of its meaning; in devilish circles in which everybody loses. No real human being has that kind of zero-sum game ctz! Applied Personal Science models people with the 1728 possible open-ended generative principle, of which one does justice to each human system - some have the same ctz, but with different ways of fulfilling it with OPTION II, or hardening it with the 4 temperaments under OPTION I as already described by the Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BC); meanwhile embellished with all sorts of psychological debates, turned into branding of self, products, services, insubstantial ideologies and OPTION I businesses mass-attractivity with labels, slogans, spin, gadgets, and fashions as intellectual idolatry, to keep 'human' sheople temperamentally floating in the self-destructive zeitgeist as the comfort zone of post-normality's Age of Disruption. However, this is just the tip of what APS can model - the level which some people can relate to, hopefully to open up to the parameters of their OPTION II Life- through Task-Fulfillment with the respective ctz, in the 16 social impact dimensions with its 9 basic life functions, with the 16 inner resources available to understand to fulfillment in 5-year growth cycles with different priorities, which make up the 1728 possible X-oegp-beings among humanity - pandemically infected by the disrupting OPTION I.
Whoever has enough empathy solely to his or her comfort zone as self, above showing how I could achieve such narcissist idolatry about one's TRAP with my OPTION II parameters, if I would Getting pre-trans-traped by my self's wordy condemnation, though at first, simply non challenging and easy, that seems comfortable, jealousy will arise from the simplifies self with temperamental emotions. That is how people get increasingly fierce, depending on their intellect, sophisticated in trapping others, everybody losing trust, just concerned with mass-attractivity, even at the abyss of the WWI trenches, ready for the next shot. According to the Greek myths, that began when Narcist looked at his image in the water. That myth has mutated to intellectuals reducing humanity accordingly to what is mass-attractive in the zeitgeist, as the measure of all thing! For that matter, narcists of all kinds have a chance to become successful brand-seller, or as a politicians, priests, and pseudo-science experts, ideology-sellers; above all, Lucifer-Serpent-zeitgeist, the Creator's enemy! That is why philosophized psychiatry fears to abhor narcissist projections, and fights it in jealousy, like the Devil, God with Beelzebub, with the narcisstically organized science to stay on top of divide to rule people as sheople, those who pay its bills, to leave them disrupted in public ignorance- to be topped by philosophy with its spin to 'love the truth' - with, what their truth is about, disruption for the hell of it. And that is short-term fun for the arrogant winners, and other M/O ignorant ones with their way to ride the zeitgeist; on the wave of mass-attractivity as INTER-National-Socialists. Under this OPTION I; the virtual stuff feeds the now globally synchronized mental pandemic, which has already turned most of humanity to have become Earth's cancer! By prejudging life in solely personally-neutral ways of what is >1 very bad towards what is >6 very good, qualifying one's lifefulfillment in dealing with it by corresponding task-fulfillment get demeaned. However, you can only become part of the solution by understanding your personally respectively relevant OPTION II parameters; now revealed by the 4th faculty of science. In the OPTION I world, people are meant by the elite to know only in part, so they can be divided to be ruled easily. But when that which is perfect, above all YOU, in your existence as the CREATOR's CREATURE to fulfill his or her life in HIS CREATION; when that will become sufficiently understood, then that which is in part, the OPTION I zeitgeist-cultivated science about merely M-Manipulation know-how, shall be done away and with it, any undue disruptive STRESS by sufficiently O=considering personally relevant orientation about each and everyone's OPTION II...
Context PeakD - How the Buck pretends to be the Gardener